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I am going away to go with which it has given results me until now: To speak of the things that happen in my life to each short while - that by the way, is but boring that the one of others. But it seems that one becomes but interesting when I write it or something, that I, but that is what me dicen(???). Good, voa to begin giving him "updates" to the thoughts that habia written before. As they already know does not last the 40 days, but I hope to try it again next year. Also I am going to speak a little of the demeritos, I am going to say qu finishes the anus to them with 0 happily demeritos, osea that I had to take the end of etica. Clear all are not glad for the events of others, since Viviana encojono that I erase but demeritos that she, but that carajo - already step which step. And this takes me to the one of you reduce and that. I have reached a simple conclusion: You do not use them if you are not going them to use pa what they became, you are going to spend chavos that them yo...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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