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Police are The Real Criminal

In our times, the police have become the criminals. Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear police. Systems of law enforcement need change. The courts have failed the police, and the police have turned to other means of justice. We must stop the corruption in the police force.
I have respect for the police, and the job they do. Policemen are a selected few who do a dangerous job. Police have done many great things to help improve communities, help people during their off duty hours and stand strong in face of many fears. The police trying to enforce the law are on the streets in all types of weather. Instead of being at home with their families on holidays they are working to keep peace. Everyday, they step out in a world where violence is considered appropriate.
Across America, police have been involved in scandals and drugs. They are abusing the power that they have been given. The communities have begun not to trust the police because of t...

Posted by: Kelly G Hess

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