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There once was a man from Old Bar
Who had a very strange car
It was blue with white spots
And yellow polka dots
And on the top there was a pink star.

There once was a man from Sirreat
Who dearly loved to eat
He ate so much that
He became really fat
And couldn’t see down to his feet

Rain, rain cooling drops
Pitter patter on the roof
Oh beautiful rain


I went to war that downcast day
The sky was grey and somber
I left my wife and kids behind
I went on a big bomber

When I arrived at Vietnam
My friends were all but dead
The enemy had sought them out
Then left them while they bled

It was too easy to get lost
In that forsaken jungle
When we were in that cursed war
There was no time for bungle

It rained and rained and never stopped
The mud was ankle deep
But by the time the night had fallen
There was no time for sleep

The dreary war went on for years
The death toll got so high
Until the president told ...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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