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The movie “Pinocchio” is a great movie to watch and a swell Disney film to entertain you. In the movie, there are many characters like Pinocchio and Jiminy cricket. The character explained in this part is Jiminy Cricket. He is the conscience of little Pinocchio. In parts of his job as a conscience, he functions as a listen model. Jiminy succeeds at some of the steps of the listen model and fails at others. When he first looks at the facts of Pinocchio, he seems interested in helping him a hand. He tried to get to know him better by being his conscience so he would be more involved in the situation, Pinocchio. Then again, he does not seem to look for the facts because; it takes Jiminy pretty quickly to tell Pinocchio what’s right and wrong. He had to look for the, who, what, where, when, why, and how in the whole situation of Pinocchio. Well he succeeded a bit on looking at the facts. He does not really know Pinocchio quite well enough to be like his conscience.
The next step wa...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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