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“My heart starts to race, the skin tingles. Blood flows into the head and pounds away against the ears. I feel like not being able to breathe any more. I feel dizzy and sometimes I become unconscious or think that I'm dying - " thus a patient describes her symptoms. Phobias! Are they the hell monstrosity of our imagination? Are these anxiety states, inherited tendency or is it an increased blood input to one brain half? Triggers can be spiders, snakes, far sites or boarding into a plain but also people. The „ naked fear" lurks everywhere.

The meaning of the word phobia
• Phobia is an exaggerated, unfounded, uncontrollable and a to other persons not comprehensible fear of specific objects or specific situations
• phobias are part of the neuroses (psychic disturbance)
• some fears (e.g. fear of spiders) impair the everyday life hardly, other fears e.g fear of closed rooms can reduce the biosphere considerably because these people attempt to avoid t...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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