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Philosophy of Education

My philosophy on teaching has four of the five philosophies mentioned by Sadker and Sadker in our textbook. I believe that the basic core courses should be taught keeping the concerns, curiosities and real world experience of the students in mind. Also teaching them about social reconstruction so that they know they can make a difference in their world. I do not agree with the existentialism philosophy where the highest importance is put on the wants of the students. I believe their wants are important to them and should not be discounted, but at the same time students do not have enough life experiences to know what is best for them.
I believe discipline and structure are very important in school. There is so much of it lacking at home for children. It is a shame that parents are leaving the parenting to the teachers. Children need rules and consequences for breaking them. This is what happens in the grown up world and if we as parents and teachers don’t teach them we are fai...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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