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Patrick Buchanan vs. Jesse Jackson

Accordingto Webster's New Cllegiate Dictionary in 1977 a leiberal is "one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional or established forms or ways" and a conservative is "one who adheres to traditional methods or views." The liberal Jesse Jackson and conservative Patrick Buchanan are two good examples in showing the differences between these two parties and also the few ways in how they can be similar.
Buchanan is strongly opposed to the idea that abotion is a woman's right. In a press release on September 28, 2000, Buchanan voiced his opinion of the new RU-486. "Today, our government certified the culture of death in an easy to swallow tablet. No moral country should ever make killing a child as casual as curing a headache... This decisioc is an affront to all that is right in America an...

Posted by: Carmen hershman

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