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Pass the Dramamine, Please

It’s summertime and I’m sitting on the back of a motor-scooter. The air is sweet with flowers, and the dropping sun is casting an almost ethereal glow against a canopy of sunflowers as far as I could see. And as I’m cruising down the rising and falling terrain, alongside vineyards that look as old as the land, I’m thinking: THIS is why I flew 1000’s of miles. I was experiencing a new kind of high and it was at that point that my love affair with traveling began.

So, rewind back in time 22 years. I was born in Canada, in the city of Toronto. I don’t remember much about the place because my parents packed me up and moved us to Santa Clara when I was 4. We settled in this area because my dad is an engineer and it was a great place to be if you were one, even back then. I finished high school in Santa Clara, and then chose a college 2 hours from here. Up until then, I had done many a car trips around the U.S. with my parents.. So, it never crossed my mind that traveling t...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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