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Ozymandias by P.B.Shelley

Ozymandias – by P.B Shelley

“Ozymandias” is an unusual Petrarchan sonnet filled with caesuras and run-on lines, by which one is not aware of the rhyming scheme. It builds a crescendo up to the 9th verse. He creates his effects through the use of synonyms and the last words of every verse in a way sum up the story.
It is a descriptive poem which is set in the background of “an antique land” and is told to us by the words of a traveler. It is a story with a moral: never be too proud or arrogant because in the end “Nothing beside remains”. All human power, it warns, shall be obliterate in time, and all the arrogance that such power generates in those who hold it is badly misplaced.
Ozymandias was another name for the Egyptian pharaoh, Rameses II, a powerful tyrant who ruled in the thirteenth century B.C. So proud of his power was he that he commissioned ...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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