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Over the Counter Drugs


The U.S. war in Vietnam was the longest and secand most costly in U.S. history. It last from the mid 1950’s until 1975 and cost the United States over $150 billion. Most believe the war was a mistake, some, claimed they don’t know what the U.S. should have done differently, and yet others don’t have “a clear idea” what the war was about and can’t remember which side we supported. The only thing most know is that it has hurt our country and its people really bad.
The war statistics were grim: 2 to 3 million Indochinese killed, 58,000 Americans dead, and many suffering. Some families of Vietnam War Veterans suffered from the loss of their husband, father, brother, or relative that died in the war. Some suffered from the Post-tramatic Stress Disoreder (PTSD). Some of the symptoms of PTSD include constanly being bothered by intrusive memories of the Vietnam War in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, and the like; a tendency to withdrawl and stay aw...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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