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Oral Presentation: Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

We give a speech everyday. Whether it is for work, for a social event, and in even in our homes. When we are in a familiar place, we are at ease at conveying our thoughts and ideas. However, when our surroundings change, our confidence level drops. By gathering your thoughts beforehand, and having subject knowledge of the topic you are going to be speaking about, it lessens your chances of fear. One may think of a brilliant idea in his/her head, but be challenged in translating those thoughts onto paper. One way of overcoming your fear of public speaking, is to be prepared. Map out some ideas on a piece of paper, and come up with points that are relevant to your topic. Having jotted down a few thoughts will help summarize your major point. By doing this, you are opening your brain to more concepts of the subject matter, thus familiarizing yourself to it.
How you sell yourself to one person or a large audience, one must learn the basics. First, put yourself in your audience...

Posted by: John Mayes

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