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On the outside looking in

Ah, its three o’clock and the out of townies have arrived in the city. The question is; “Is New York big enough for all of us?” popped into my head as we parked and got out of the car. As we took our first step into the city we were all over whelmed by the glitz and glam that we could hardly wait to find out! As we continue to walk down the busy streets of the city we heard the zip of heavy traffic go by. Not only were cars constantly passing but people of high status tended to speed walk along the streets as well. It’s not just a “walk”… It’s the New York; I’m in a hurry get out of my way kind of walk! I like to call it the “snake”! The “Snake” is a walk in which an ordinary New Yorker slithers and weaves carelessly in and out of other walkers or whatever maybe in their way. Block after block almost getting trampled by the “Head Honchos” of the city we all stopped and had a warm delicious cup of Starbucks coffee. The hot creamy mocha that drizzled down my...

Posted by: John Mayes

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