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OLAP storage

Select Data Storage (Storage Design Wizard)
In this step of the wizard, you specify the type of data storage you want to use to store the data and aggregations for a cube or partition.
For more information about data storage choices, see Flexible Data Model.
Select this option to store the data for your cube or partition in a multidimensional structure. The aggregations you design for this storage type will also be stored with the multidimensional data.
Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) storage provides the potential for the most rapid query response times, depending only on the percentage and design of the cube's aggregations. In general, MOLAP is more appropriate for cubes with frequent use and the necessity for rapid query response.
Select this option to keep the data for your cube or partition in the existing relational data store. Aggregations designed for relational OLAP (ROLAP) will also be stored in the
relational database, rather than in a multidimen...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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