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Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men

Lennie was described in a animal reference. On page three , fourth paragraph it says Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes. This gives off a animal characteristic by using his hand to splash water but it says using his paw. A paw is a huge animal characteristic. Only animals have paws. The next one is on page twenty-two paragraph two it states that Lennie is strong as a bull. When people think of a bull they think of huge beast, with massive strength. Lennie also had massive strength. There just making it sound like he has even more strength. This last one really isn’t said in the book but Lennie was kind of like a big teddy bear. All he wanted was something soft and reassuring. When you think of a teddy bear you think of being warm and fuzzy. In a way Lennie was nice and just wanted to be safe and have friends.
Lennie acted like a child throughout the book. But one specific time really stood ou...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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