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notorious analysis

Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious" After viewing Alfred Hitchcock's
Notorious for the first time, the film did not strike me as
particularly complex. Nothing specific about the film lodged itself
in my brain screaming for an answer-or, at least, an attempted answer.
Yet, upon subsequent viewings, subtle things became more noticeable.
(Perhaps Hitchcock's subtlety is what makes him so enormously
popular!) Hitchcock uses motifs and objects, shot styles and shifting
points of view, and light and dark to help explain the relationships
between Alicia, Devlin, Sebastian and Mrs. Sebastian, and an overall
theme of being trapped. An analysis of the film from the first poisoning
scene to the final scene in the film shows how the above tools lead to
a better understanding of the character's motivations. The most
obvious recurring object in the final scenes is the poisoned coffee
cup. In the first scene of the portion be...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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