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Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication
Beginning as early as childbirth, nonverbal communication has always remained a heavy influence on the way we interpret certain behaviors. Verbal communication alone could never completely convey any message accurately without any misinterpretation. For this reason, communicating nonverbally is a key element in any relationship, especially any business or professional relationship (since every relationship is built on communication).

“Not to watch a person’s mouth but his fists,” was the advice of the 16th century religious reformer, Martin Luther. This was an early attempt at identifying nonverbal communication as an essential factor in understanding. Coined during the 20th century, the term nonverbal communication includes many features such as touch, smell, clothing, vocal features, facial expression, gaze, posture, and interpersonal distance. It is usually unique to each individual and is very difficult to study because it can ...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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