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No One Can Be trusted

Back in 1954 I can see how parents would be a little more relaxed and calm that their children aren’t under their supervision and care 24 hours a day. But this isn’t 1954, it’s 2002 and with the new millennium and the years that have passed, a lot of things have changed. Children can’t just go out in the middle of the day anymore to play with their friends, there has to be a parent around to supervise. Entrusting your child with another person nowadays is basically 20 questions, having to know exactly everything about that person, and if the parent doesn’t like you, well then you’re out of luck.
While reading the essay by Moretti, its really shocking how relaxed parents really were back then to how they are now. In the essay he writes “…not in a car seat but in my mother’s arms. Since our car didn’t have seat belts, we drove commando.” First of all not wearing your seat belt gets you a ticket, and not having your child in a car seat or wearing a seat ...

Posted by: Cinthia De Ruiz

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