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Nike Ethics Code

The chronology of Nike’s history begins back in 1957 when Bill Bowerman, the coach, and Philip Knight, the athlete, met at the University of Oregon. The premise behind Nike’s formation began in 1962 after Philip Knight, wrote a market research paper about the breaking down of the German domination of the U.S. athletic shoe industry with affordable, high tech exports from Japan. During a trip to Japan, Knight met with the Onitsuka Tiger Company, who was the leading manufacturer and exporter of high tech running shoes. Knight placed an order for 200 pairs of shoes from the Tiger company, which he decided he would sell in the U.S. When Knight was asked which company represents, Knight responded with a fictitious company named “Blue Ribbon Sports”. This ficticious company would 10 years later give birth to the athletics powerhouse - Nike.

Nike Corporation has a long and extensive background. Presented below are some key highlights in the company’s illustrious histor...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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