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mysterious great outdoors

Mysterious Great Outdoors
A constant rustling of leaves with no sight of life with the birds appearing and disappearing swiftly into thin air fulfill nature yet at the same time have you ponder the way nature and the great outdoors work. The motion of the trees sway with the constant motion of the wind which eventually persuades hundreds of brown, yellow, red, and orange leaves to fall to the ground and virtually form a cover atop the water in the pool.
The mixture of grass and leaves give off a crunching sound when disturbed which allows you to know when you are no longer alone. Sitting at the picnic table, back towards the house and facing the woods that occupy what seems to be the world beyond my fence. Eventually all five of my senses are strictly devoted to nature and I become oblivious to the world that is literally behind me. I smell the moist leaves and winds, I feel the brisk wind blowing ...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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