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My Life

The Years I Will Never Forget
When one attends school, there are different kinds of students that can be classified. There are nerds, who’ll ask the teacher if they have any assignments to do. Talk machines, who’ll keep on talking even while the teacher is trying to say something important. Sleepy heads, who’ll keep sleeping until the class is over and ask the other classmates what happened during class or if the teacher noticed him or her asleep and so on. When I was in high school, there were about six different groups. The Asian girls’ group, the Asian boys’ group, the Indian Mafia group, the “player” group, the snob group, and the Christian group.
The Asian girls’ group was the most isolated group from our class. They would talk their native language all the time even during class. The teacher would get annoyed at them because he or she didn’t understand what they were talking about. That is why the Asian girls never improved their English skills.

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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