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My Essay

Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut, Junior, is for the most part set in a little town called Ilium where the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim, is raised. When Billy is older he is sent to Dresden, Germany, another important setting, where he fights in World War II. Once done with the war Billy returns to his hometown Ilium, New York where he marries, has two children, and becomes an optometrist. This may seem like a very orderly fashion and an ordinary life, and it would be if it wasn’t for the fact that Billy is kidnapped by aliens, brought to the planet Trafalmadore, held captive, and displayed in a zoo. By the way, he time travels. So obviously, the main feeling of the story is that Billy Pilgrim just doesn’t care what happens to himself. He lets fate and the world take complete control of him while he is shifted and thrown from one moment to the next while he lays back and dreads where he’ll be next.
At one point of Slaughterhouse Five it is the nigh...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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