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Most People Forget

What most people tend to forget or fanetically hide themselves from the truth. You lie once you have to cover it up again with another more sinister like... as if the last one was not bad enough, you have to fall in deeper into your own trap, while you still have eyes on the prize.

Its getting away from you.
All you're looking at is a mirage of what you had hoped to get through trickery and filthy mirrors.

You could have got it, maybe, but now you are just decieving yourself into believing in the fact that you still have the prize firmly in your sites and are getting ready to aim then fire.

It did not have to run away from you... in fact it was right in front of you for a time eying and egging you to try and catch it.

Don't you get it, the only way out of a lie is through the same mirky swamp you came through, maybe when you reach the other end you will be cleaner. Instead you persist and dig your heels in.

I have to...

Posted by: Shelia Olander

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