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Monroes Motivated sequence

Topic reviewed: _____

Topic: Improving traffic intersections.

Purpose: To improve the traffic intersections in the US.

Specific purpose: give, awareness’ of problem, need for change, solution and action.

Central idea: To get people involved in participating to help decrease our dangerous intersections.

Attention Step: Gain the attention of your audience.

I. Attention: I would like people to participate and improving out traffic intersections in the US. Overall, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, red-light running accounts for more than 200,000 injuries and more than 800 deaths per year.
II. Credibility: Insurance companies looked at each accident and judged them so they can be related to the intersection that was at fault was indexed. The index weighed crashes with injuries more heavily done to those motorists, and crashes with higher amounts of physical damage weighed more than m...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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