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Ready to download a good movie from KaZaA ?
Alright you find one heh, yeah great it's the movie where you were looking for.
Start downloading ooooh yeah it's going fast ;-) KaZaA rules.

(1 hour later)

Shit the user is offline, and i only needed 100Mb to finish :-(
After 1 week of searching you try to download the same movie but from someone else.
Yeahhhh great you find one and it's going fast again.

(1 hour later)

Shit the file stopped again grrrrr :-( well i hit resume.
Yeah great KaZaA find a user with the same movie, but what the f*** it's only going with
0,5 kB/s :-(
Well i try another movie.
ect ect ect

If this happens to you also, then there's only one solution!

Don't delete or unshare your movies, because then this happens to all KaZaA members!
So share all your movies on you HD and everybody (even you) will be happy.


Some users cancel there upload if a user is dowloading but NOT SHARIN...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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