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microsoft vs ibm

An overview of the background and the current status
Although Microsoft came into the picture as a collaborator of Apple, it turned out to be a strong competitor to beat when it introduced the windows. Up until the early 1990’s Apple’s operating system was superior to Microsoft’s Windows. The scene changed when the later introduced Windows ’95.
The ten years of absolute success for Apple did not have the expected outcome. In the computer industry, what seems to matter is the hardware base. Despite the fact that Macs were successful in the educational and home sector, they did not manage to enter the business sector when the PC market was evolving rapidly. The PCs won over the Macintosh due to the compatibility with other computers. Moreover, due to the high production cost of the Macs costumers were more willing to acquire a Microsoft computer. Microsoft alone now controls the 50% of the worldwide computer market.
In order for Apple to regain control...

Posted by: William Katz

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