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3 parts to Flagellum
1. Filament
2. Hook
3. Basal body

-flagellum doesn’t wip back and forth, it can rotate 360 degrees.

- monotrichious - just one
- lophotrichious - small bunches from same part
- amphitrochious - flagella at both ends of bacteria
- peritricious- dispersed randomly over the surface of the cell

- bacteria with polar flagella are very speedy. Motility can be checked by putting bacteria under a microscope. Fast ones will move across the slide whereas slow ones will stay in one place.

Chemotaxis- a bacteria will move toward a good thing like chemicals such as food, and they will move away from bad things like toxic substances

- the flagella are responsible for the process of chemo taxis

- bacteria with fimbria adhere to their host causing the infection

-the gonococcus (gonorrhea) invades the genita...

Posted by: Shelia Olander

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