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Micheal Jordan

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan was born on January 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York and was raised in
Wilmington, North Carolina. He has two brothers, is married, and has three kids. He is considered by
many to be the greatest basketball player of all time (Kornbluth). My focus will be on his hardships,
accomplishments, and people who influenced him.
First, I would like to touch on some general information about Michael. He wears number 23 on
his jersey because he considered it to be half of his brother's number, 45. He had wanted 45 because it was
his brother's number and he deeply admired his brother, but he was on the same team as his brother so he
needed to pick a different number. His most well known superstition is that he wears his University of
North Carolina basketball shorts under his game shorts.
When Michael was a kid, his favorite sport was not basketball. In fact, it was baseball. He was a
pitcher on a little league team. He playe...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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