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memento and fight club and society

Memento and Fight Club
“We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we really are. I’m no different.” As heard by Leonard Shelby in the movie Memento, we all need to look at ourselves once in a while and figure out who we are and what we are trying to become. Fight Club attempts to answer some of the same questions. How does one think about their identity in relation to society? Do our actions determine our identity? Can a person have identity without society?
Fight Club is a movie based on the novel of the same name, written by Chuck Palahniuk. It is about Jack, a guy who is suffering from insomnia, is falling apart from his job, the people around him, and the society that he should be fitting into. He goes to support groups for diseases like tuberculosis and cancer in order to feel like he is trying to get some form of help for himself and as an escape from his insomnia. Jack owns a condominium that has everything. He is the kind of person who thi...

Posted by: William Katz

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