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media on theatre stage in the 60's


The name that was given to Jerzy Grotwsky's working orientation in theatre means precisely that his direction minimizes to the maximum the scenography ; the actors act in an almost naked space. Scenography was refused because it was considered as an activity with commercial goals, obeying to the social and economical ideologies of the bourgeois theatre. The "poor theatre" even reduces the human body and its identity and personality. It refuses the realistic representation of the character, moreover its human corporal connotation.
Behind Grotowski's ''poverty'', which rises in the 60's, there is an ideological position: react against the technology that wants art to be possible only through the hi-tech. Grotowski searches to go back to a sort of theatre that evokes an archaic world, where man lives the plenitude of his social and existential condition. He wants to restore the symbolic and ritualistic practices in a sort of returning back to a native space recalling to an ...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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