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meaning of life

What is the meaning of life?

Life’s meaning does not need to be invented or deduced or conjectured anew in each age. It can be experienced if we begin to follow the bread crumbs dropped by those who have traveled the road before us. Countless spiritual pilgrims have felt the longings we all feel, have encountered the obstacles we encounter have devoted themselves to the truth we wish to do. It is a great reassurance to pick up their writings or teachings and begin adapting them to the particulars of our own lives.

We all live in an age when the ordinary seems extraordinary: to take time to watch the sun rise, to enjoy a peaceful cup of ice-blended whilst listening to music, to eat breakfast or dinner with all the members of our family together at one time and to actually enjoy each others company. Such simple, human moments are romanticized in commercials for their nostalgia value because they have become so rare today.

And we also live in an age when the extraordina...

Posted by: Alexander Bartfield

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