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Magic Boxes


A Magic Square is a two-dimensional array of numbers in which the sum of all rows, columns, and diagonals equal the same. This sum is called a magic number.


The time frame, which Magic Squares, were first introduced is under much debate. In ancient times, these Magic Squares were used for different purposes. They possessed mystical and magical powers and some even served as good luck charms. For example, a Magic Square engraved on a silver platter was used as a charm against a plague.

The first or earliest Magic Square I found was the Chinese Magic Square also known as the “lo-shu”. This one dates back to roughly around 500 B.C. and measured 3x3 square. Another Magic Square that is well known in mathematics is the Albrecht Durer's Melancholia, this 4x4 square indicates the date of its creation in the last row, 15 14.

The Lo-Shu Legend

According to material that I have read regarding Magic Squares, there is a story that tries to e...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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