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Machine Head

Machine Head is an American heavy metal band from Oakland, California.
18 tracks of a capella vocals sung by guitarist and lead vocalist Robb Flynn to a haunting, somber melody sung completely in Latin. The words he's singing? "Sangre Sani" (Blood Saint), "Bellator Inferni" (Warrior of Fire), "Caede" (Murder), "Edemarde" (Suicide) and ending with the whispered "death", accentuating part one of a three-movement Sonata in C# entitled "I Am Hell". The narrative within the language is goosebump-worthy subject matter; the tale of a female arsonist is played out in three movements after fellow shredder-in-arms, lead guitarist Phil Demmel suggested writing a song about an arsonist to Flynn. As Flynn would discover in his research, "female arsonis...

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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