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Lowering the Legal Drinking Age

As we are all aware of, the United States of America has ruled that the legal drinking age is twenty-one. Many citizens, including myself, believe this to be preposterous. We all have our reasons for believing which side of the line is best, and this essay includes mine.
I know that some of you may believe that twenty-one is a suitable and responsible age. Some of you may even go so far as to say that it should be set higher than that. A few individuals I know would say that the way “kids” act today has determined their fate to have to wait several years after becoming an “adult” to purchase alcohol legally. While I understand that some members in my age group have shown their ludicrous ways, the majority of us are going to college trying to make something of ourselves. But that shouldn’t prevent us from having a little life experience along the way.
In 1984, the United States government ruled that the states would either change their minimum legal drinking ...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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