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Love is blind, as far as the eye can see

Love is a gentle, indescribable sentiment of affection towards an individual, which may arise from association, or acknowledgment of eye-catching traits. Moreover, it can be a feeling of powerful yearning, fascination, and magnetism to a person with whom is willing to be at one with you. The stimulation of sex and romance is the part of the relationship that intensifies ones love towards their partner. Nevertheless teenage love flaunts these aspects, yet for some reason tends to be categorized as being only puppy love. Puppy love defines adolescent lust or infatuation, which for the most part is a foolish, unreasoning, or excessive passion or attraction.

Countless teenagers are ignorant when differentiating love and lust. Lust is merely an intense or uncontrolled sexual craving. This overwhelming desire can condition teenagers into believing they are truly in love. Our body hormones are catalysts in this process, which tends to leave us relishing the sheer thoughts of sexual i...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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