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Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

Pg 1

In 1954, William Golding wrote the satirical novel The Lord of the Flies. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, and his book has been printed over seven million times. The symbolisms portrayed in the novel are still being today. He uses the importance of civilization, the value of intellect, the potential for evil, and what the future may offer.

The boys establish very early on in the novel that ground rules must be made. “I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them.” (P. 42) When Ralph and Jack agreed on things, everything was fine. Once Jack broke the rules, the society (the boys) broke down, and they turned to savages. “Ralph launched himself like a cat; stabbed, snarling, with the spear, and the savage doubled up.” (P. 195) Even Ralph, the one who was supposed to be civilized had turned into a savage. He was forced to turn animal like as the Lord of the Flies attacked him. The intellect on t...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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