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Lord of the Flies

The Truth Within Lord of the Flies, is the story of a group of boys of different backgrounds who are stranded on an unknown island when their plane crashes. As the boys try to formulate a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate, and a band of savage tribal hunters are formed. Eventually the boys almost entirely shake off the civilization of the world they once knew. When all the confusion of behaviour leads them to a manhunt the reader realizes the sudden decay of law and order and loss of civilization when adults aren`t among them. Which also brings out the underlying savage side existent in all humans. In Lord of the Flies, there were numerous themes that were portrayed throughout the novel. The Need for Civilisation, is the most obvious theme. Our beliefs were always lead to believe that man is innocent and that our society is evil. But what the statement is hiding from our peers is that without laws, rules, and order, our world would revert to a more primitive part of his natur...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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