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Life on the Glabal assembley line

“Life on the Global Assembly line” looks at how the industrialised nations owe their economic highs to very cheap labor in Third World countries.
This article explores perspectives and concepts like cheap labor, globalisation, consumerism, divisions of labor and gender. These are the main objectives however many more arise throughout the piece. These concepts are all looked through a conflict theorist’s eyes. Globalisation can be defined as ‘the growing interdependence between different people, regions and countries in the world as social and economic relations come to stretch worldwide” (Giddens, pge 690).
Globalisation is a big part of this article. Conflict theorists see globalisation as an inequality, for the countries that it takes over and its people. Globalisation makes the gap between rich and poor countries even wider. Where the economic developments of the West (richer countries) is dependent on exploiting poorer countries by basing their big corporate compan...

Posted by: Jason Pinsky

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