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Liberation of Women

Did Christianity Liberate Women?

New grounds are being broken for women in this century. Women are being ordained as ministers and priests and a new tone is being set for women that seek to lead congregations. Some people believe that these women are carrying women’s liberation to far and are defying traditions that have been excluding women since the beginning. They believe that these women are being radical and disbanding away from the roots that our ancestors have instilled in America today. There have been many notions that have challenged that women may have been more “liberated” earlier in life than they are today. How did Christian women reguard their own status in what was frequently called the Jesus movement? Earlier in time before the Christian Church and theology people met informally to discuss and share their feelings on their faith. Many churchs were based in peoples homes during this time and this gave women more freedom to speak. Christianity remained...

Posted by: Gelinde Cobbs

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