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Legalization of Prostitution

Prostitution is often called the world’s oldest profession. It’s been around since the beginning of time and can be traced back to ancient civilization. Prostitution hasn’t stopped after thousands of years and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. Prostitution is already legal in some parts of the world, but not in Canada and the United States. I think it should be. I think that legalizing it would solve more problems than it would create. If it was legalized people could be protected from diseases, the streets could be kept cleaner, and prostitutes would have a safer working environment. Does prostitution really hurt anybody? It benefits both the prostitute, and the customer. The prostitute gets their money, and the customer gets their pleasure. It fulfils both people’s needs. Even though prostitution is not legal, it will continue to happen. They will find a way around the law, and continue with their business. If it is legalized, laws can be made to...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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