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legalization of marijuana


Marijuana is illegal for too many of the stupid reasons that make up society. I chose to do my project on the legalization of marijuana because it is a law with corrupt roots and it needs to be changed. A big reason why marijuana is illegal in Canada is because of the rail road industry and high politicians who were more interested in money than they were on being efficient and environmentally friendly. Marijuana should also be legal because it has great pain killing powers and its effective in treating chronic pain, nausea and aids related weight loss. The last reason why it should be legal is because a lot of people smoke it and if the government tried thinking on ways to pay their high debts they could legalize it and sell it like they sell cigarettes and make billions of dollars on taxes instead of cutting school budgets and hospital budgets.

Hemp is the male marijuana plant and the content of THC in hemp is of 0%. Before the drug was co...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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