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Lady Macbeth

Selection #4
Macbeth is driven into a murderous rampage so that he may become king. In doing so, he must first off kill the King Duncan himself and everyone that is heir to the throne. Lady Macbeth, his wife, is suggested to be the mastermind behind the whole ordeal. She has a great deal of power over Macbeth and could have easily been the reason why Macbeth did embark upon his murdering spree. Macbeth had the ability to murder the king although he had his doubts, he just had his wife’s encouragement to push him the rest of the way. To say Lady Macbeth is murderous monster is a bit however is a bit of a exaggeration, both parties in this coupling have sinned, she just started the tumble.

At the beginning of the play, Macbeth does indeed have the ambition to kill King Duncan. Even Lady Macbeth can see that, she knows he could, but she also knows that he wouldn’t without a bit of encouragement. So, in a way, Lady Macbeth somewhat brainwashes ...

Posted by: John Mayes

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