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Every beginning writer, or graffiti artist, yearns for the day that they can paint their first piece. A piece is a graffiti painting, short for masterpiece that generally must have at least three colors to be considered a piece. By following some easy steps, there is an easy, general way to go about painting a piece.
Before you begin your actual painting, one must gather supplies and do some prerequisites. First, you need to locate the following: paint, caps (tips that enable you to make lines of different widths), paint rollers, gloves, and a respirator. After you get all of your materials together, make sure the surface that you are going to paint on is dry and clear of dirt. If the surface is clean, its time to roller the wall with primer whatever background color you want. Now you need to just wait for the background to dry. The step where u roller can be done in advance so you ca...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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