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King customer needs to wake up

A few weeks ago CSE came out with a report on Cola brands in India claiming they had a very high Pesticide content. Although the report got struck on the issue of which standards to use the WHO’s or the EU’s, but one thing is for clear that the pesticide content is much higher than the EU limits in almost all the tests. So this is a case of breach of consumer trust, but what was the effect just a 15 % decrease in sales, a part of which is being attributed to the monsoons. Before this it was the bottled drinking water crisis, again many companies got away without any major loss of sales. Even before that it was the Synthetic milk crisis, again Mother Dairy and DMS got away without any loss.
What comes out in all these cases apart from the indifferent attitudes of successive governments is that even the consumers have become more and more indifferent. One of the foremost reasons for the lack of response from the consumers is the lack of alternative...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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