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Sir Lancelot

An act of chivalry is described as the qualifications or character of the ideal knight. Knights were expected to uphold this code of conduct. In Le Morte Darthur, by Sir Thomas Malory, characters display acts of chivalry from beginning to end. Though the code of chivalry contains many qualities or acts, nevertheless, bravery and loyalty are both demonstrated throughout the literature.
There are many reasons why Lancelot was honored in the manner in which he was. He could best be described as Arthur’s right hand man, and was willing to put his life on the line for Arthur, as well as for Camelot. Lancelot fought for King Arthur, until his banishment for his acts with the Queen. Not only does Lancelot’s affair with Guienevere cause him a great deal of suffering, it wreaks destruction on the lives of many other men as well. For instance, their affair brings tragedy to Sir Gawain and his family. He remained loyal to Arthur, and came back, ...

Posted by: Darren McCutchen

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