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keep your laws off my body

Keep Your Laws off My Body
The long debated issue of abortion is a tough one. There are many legal and moral debates. That’s where the problem lies; is it a moral issue or is it a legal issue? The world may never know. Many problems arise with the fact that people say abortion is killing a baby, a human. Opposing sides say that abortion is a woman’s right and no body can do away with of that right. “Indeed, the subject probably ranks in moral controversy with such dilemmas as capital punishment, ‘right to die’ legislation, and just versus unjust wars,” (Legge 3). Should our country take into consideration that someone’s body is their body, not the governments? Or, should we take into consideration that the fetus inside is a growing person who had no decision or no choice over their own destiny? “Usually, the dependant variable is categorized into, favoring complete freedom of choice, favoring abortion under particular social or medical circumstances, and oppos...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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