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Jack the Ripper source Questions

Question 1: Describe the conditions that soldiers experienced on the Western Front in the years 1915 to 1917.

During the first wirld war both sides dug trenches. These trenches ended up stretching from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border, around 700 kilometres. Fighting in the trenches lasted 4 years. Soldiers on both sides were forced to daily face the dangers and conditions of life fighting in the trenches on the western front in the First World War.
The trenches were laid out in certain ways for tactical reasons to defend the occupied land. A trench system consisted of at least three lines of trenches. There was the front line trench, which was where the main fighting took place. This trench was backed up by the support trench, which was mainly used to rest troops but which also was called upon in a crisis. Behind the support trench was the reserve trench, which if the Front Line trench looked like it was being overwhelmed, then troops in the reserve trench could be us...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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