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Islamic Religion

The Muslim people are divided into two categorizes, the Sunni and the Shiite Muslims. The Shiite and the Sunni Muslims agree on most of their religious background but there are a few differences. For instance, the Sunni Muslims do not all agree with the Umayyad ruler,s but accept the Umayyad rule. The Shiite Muslims on the other hand only accept the descendants of Ali as the true ruler of Islam. They believe in angels and believe that angels had no choice of what they could do. The Islamic people believe in Allah, meaning an “Arabic God” and a sacred stone called the Black Stone. The Islamic people are monotheistic, meaning that they believe in one god. They read the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam.

The Islamic people believe in the Five Pillars, which are belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. The first pillar, belief, shows how the Islamic people believe in one god. The second pillar, prayer, shows how much the Islamic people respect to their g...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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