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Is Technology is the key to our food supply problems?

In the 20th century, now more than ever, technology has played an increasingly important role in improving the agricultural output throughout the world. Technological advancements in agriculture have become more significant, now more than ever, because of the food supply problems that are faced. In reality there is enough food to feed all the people in the world. Food production has more than doubled since the 1950s. Yet despite this one in five people suffer from hunger. (fig 1)

food supply problems are described as being an instance when the amount of food produced does not meet the amount of food that a population requires. The outcome of this is that hunger occurs.

This essay will take into account why food supply problems actually do exist and what technology has contributed to us for easing these pressures. How has agriculture globally progressed over the last few decades. What present issues have risen from the use of new farming methods, both beneficial and detrime...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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