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is sport a level playing field?

Many factors impact on the concept of sport being a ‘level playing field’. Race and ethnicity play an enormous role in making sport as unequitable as it is. Both migrants and Black people face discrimination everyday for issues such as there ‘natural ability’ to perform well and there lack of interest in so-called ‘Australian sports’.
Socio-economic status, accessibility and availability are issues that make sport even more accessible for some groups. Money plays a huge role in what sports people can play because of the huge membership and insurance fees that athletes in today’s society are obliged to pay. Also, if people live away from sporting facilities this will also discount from their performance in an event compared to an athlete who can train in a stadium environment every day.
Gender and sexuality play what some may say ‘the largest role’ in sporting inequity. The discrimination faced by both males and females is by far the most controversial aspec...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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