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In Greek mythology, Iris, is the winged Goddes of the Rainbow who had much of the smae duties as Hermes. She was a messenger of the gods who, unlike them rode down a rainbow in her beautiful robe of numerous colors to and from Olympis instead of riding in a chariot. She was a messenger of the gods, but particularly Hera. Although she was considered Hera's personal messenger, Iris was also loyal to other gods as well. Her surnames include Khyrsopteron, Aellopos, Thaumantias, and Thaumantos, meaning "Golden-winged", "Storm or Swift-Footed", and "Thaumas' daughter", respectively. Her name, Iris, means "rainbow", and is the same in Greek and Roman mythology. Her family tree is rather extensive as in most of the deities of Greek mythology. Her personality was a very light hearted one and her symbols are actually pretty calm. Iris, the goddess or rainbows, was also involved in some of the most important events in Greco-Roman myth. She was also the diety who seperated the soul fro...

Posted by: Jason Cashmere

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